Get Avatar

Get multiple users' avatars endpoint

Endpoint: /user/avatar Method: POST

    plyrIds: string[]; // Array of player unique identifiers

Example Usage

const timestamp =;
const body = {
    plyrIds: ['player123', 'player456', 'player789'] // Array of PLYR IDs

const hmac = generateHmacSignature(timestamp, body, secretKey);

const response = await + '/user/avatar', body, {
    headers: {
        apikey: apiKey,
        signature: hmac,
        timestamp: timestamp

// Response will contain avatar URLs for each PLYR ID
const { avatars } =;

// Process avatar URLs
Object.entries(avatars).forEach(([plyrId, avatarUrl]) => {
    console.log(`Avatar URL for ${plyrId}:`, avatarUrl);
    // Use avatarUrl in your application (e.g., display avatar image)

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