Get User Token Balance

Get user balance endpoint

Endpoint: /user/balance/{identifier}/{tokenName?} Method: GET

    identifier: string;  // PLYR ID or primary wallet address
    tokenName?: string; // Optional token name filter

Example Usage

const timestamp =;
// Can use either PLYR ID or wallet address
const identifier = 'player123'; // or '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e'
const tokenName = 'TOKEN1'; // Optional: specific token to query

// Since this is a GET request with no body, pass null as the body for HMAC
const hmac = generateHmacSignature(timestamp, null, secretKey);

// Build URL based on whether tokenName is provided
const url = `/user/balance/${identifier}/${tokenName}`;

const response = await axios.get(apiEndpoint + url, {
    headers: {
        apikey: apiKey,
        signature: hmac,
        timestamp: timestamp

// Response will contain token balances
const { balances } =;

// Process balances
Object.entries(balances).forEach(([tokenName, balance]) => {
    console.log(`Balance for ${tokenName}:`, balance);
    // Use balances in your application

Last updated