Register a new Instant PlayPass session with specified tokens.
Endpoint:/instantPlayPass/registerMethod: POST
tokens: string[]; // Array of tokens (e.g. ['plyr', 'gamr'])
sync?: boolean; // Optional sync flag
sessionJwt: string; // Session JWT token
plyrId: string; // Player ID
gameId: string; // Game ID
primaryAddress: string; // Primary wallet address
mirrorAddress: string; // Mirror wallet address
avatar: string; // Avatar URL
ippClaimed: boolean; // Whether IPP is claimed
isIPP: boolean; // Whether this is an IPP session
error: string;
After successful registration, use the "Reveal Claiming Code" endpoint to get the code for the user.
Example Usage
const timestamp =;
const body = {
tokens: ['plyr', 'gamr'], // Tokens to include in the PlayPass
sync: true // Optional: synchronize tokens
const hmac = generateHmacSignature(timestamp, body, secretKey);
const response = await + '/instantPlayPass/register', body, {
headers: {
apikey: apiKey,
signature: hmac,
timestamp: timestamp
// Use the session JWT from the response
const sessionJwt =;
// You can now proceed with revealing the claiming code using the sessionJwt