Revoke User Token Allowance

Revoke user token allowance for a game

Endpoint: /game/revoke Method: POST

    plyrId: string; // The player ID
    gameId: string; // The game ID
    token: string; // Token name/symbol to revoke
    otp: string; // One-time password for authorization

Example Usage

// Setup request parameters
const timestamp =;
const body = {
    plyrId: 'player_abc123', // The player's ID
    gameId: 'game_xyz789', // The game's ID
    token: 'USDC', // Token to revoke
    otp: '123456' // One-time password

// Generate HMAC signature
const hmac = generateHmacSignature(timestamp, body, secretKey);

// Make the API request
const response = await + '/game/revoke', body, {
    headers: {
        apikey: apiKey,
        signature: hmac,
        timestamp: timestamp

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