Earn, Leave and End

Distribute tokens, remove players, and end a game room in a single operation

Endpoint: /game/earnLeaveEnd Method: POST

    roomId: string; // The ID of the room
    plyrIds: string[]; // Array of player IDs to receive tokens and leave
    tokens: string[]; // Array of token names/symbols
    amounts: number[]; // Array of amounts to distribute (corresponding to tokens array)
    sync?: boolean; // When true, returns direct response. When false/undefined, returns a task ID for polling status

This operation will end the game room, making it unavailable for further operations. Use this when you want to finalize all game room activities.

Example Usage

// Sync=true usage
const timestamp = Date.now().toString();
const body = {
    roomId: '123',
    plyrIds: ['player1', 'player1', 'player2'], // First player receiving 2 tokens, second player receiving 1
    tokens: ['TOKEN1', 'TOKEN2', 'TOKEN1'], // Token types to distribute
    amounts: [100, 50, 75], // Corresponding amounts
    sync: true // or omit for task-based response

const hmac = generateHmacSignature(timestamp, body, secretKey);

const response = await axios.post(apiEndpoint + '/game/earnLeaveEnd', body, {
    headers: {
        apikey: apiKey,
        signature: hmac,
        timestamp: timestamp

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