Create a game room, join players, and process payments in a single operation
Combines creating a game room, joining players, and processing payments into a single atomic operation.
Endpoint:/game/createJoinPayMethod: POST
sessionJwts: string[]; // Array of session JWTs for players to join and pay
tokens: string[]; // Array of token names/symbols
amounts: number[]; // Array of amounts to pay (corresponding to tokens array)
sync?: boolean; // When true, returns direct response. When false/undefined, returns a task ID for polling status
When sync=false (default):
task: {
id: string; // Task ID for checking status
When sync=true:
roomId: string; // The created room ID
plyrIds: string[]; // Array of player IDs that joined
payments: {
plyrId: string;
token: string;
amount: number;
error: string;
The arrays `sessionJwts`, `tokens`, and `amounts` must have corresponding lengths. The operation is atomic - if any step (create, join, or pay) fails, the entire operation is rolled back.
Example Usage
// Sync=true usage
const timestamp =;
const body = {
sessionJwts: ['jwt1', 'jwt2'], // Multiple players can join and pay
tokens: ['TOKEN1', 'TOKEN2'], // Different tokens can be paid
amounts: [100, 200], // Corresponding amounts for each token
sync: true // or omit for task-based response
const hmac = generateHmacSignature(timestamp, body, secretKey);
const response = await + '/game/createJoinPay', body, {
headers: {
apikey: apiKey,
signature: hmac,
timestamp: timestamp
The arrays `sessionJwts`, `tokens`, and `amounts` must have corresponding lengths. The operation is atomic - if any step (create, join, or pay) fails, the entire operation is rolled back.